Shaman Dao began as an expression of seeking truth to uncover my soul that was engulfed in darkness. It has evolved into offerings which support people ready to move into alignment with their own unique essence.

  • Group Work

    Our group sessions are designed for efficiency and productivity, driven by a unique approach where past students, known as 'anchors of light,' contribute their experience and guidance. The presence of these skilled anchors creates a supportive atmosphere where ideas flow freely, leading to greater creativity and teamwork.

    Prices vary

  • Supervised Practice with Dao

    For those seeking a more budget-friendly option, my top-trained students will manage the bulk of the work under my direct supervision. This way, you'll receive high-quality service at a more accessible price point, with my oversight ensuring the same standard of excellence you've come to expect.

    Prices begin at $1250

  • One on One

    My approach is rooted in my extensive experience in handling complex emotional and spiritual situations, providing tailored support to help you overcome barriers and thrive. I also offer intuitive business guidance, drawing on spiritual insights to help organizations align with their highest purpose and achieve success.

    Prices starts at $5000. If you were a client or student before 2023, please reach out to me directly for special pricing.

Due To My Meticulous Healing…

In order to ensure the highest quality of care and attention to each client, I maintain a limited client load, typically accepting only 1-2 clients per month. This includes individuals as well as businesses seeking my services. To begin our work together, I require all prospective clients to schedule a 50-minute No-Nonsense Session. You can easily book this session by selecting the button above.

Results That Speak For Themselves:

  • Mental Health Breakthrough: Liberated a therapist from long-term antidepressant use and debilitating anxiety through two ceremonial sessions.

  • Fear and Phobia Management: Overcoming deep-seated fears such as fear of flying through one prayer session.

  • Historic Reform: Successfully updated a 40-year-old state capital city ordinance by aligning the energies of all parties involved within 2 months.

  • Cancer Recovery: Completely dissolved eight large cancerous tumors alongside two immunotherapy infusions in less than two months.

  • Medical Interventions: Intervened in a client’s medical emergency of an oversized gall stone, which led him and his doctor to find an infection in his body he’s had for months.

  • Sleep Restoration: Remote releasement sessions to eliminate night terrors in children across the globe in two ceremonial sessions.

My unconventional approach is not merely about solving problems; it's about igniting profound shifts and facilitating deep healing now. Time is the one resource we can't create more of, which is why working with me ensures efficient and effective solutions that get to the root of your challenges. As a seasoned expert in emotional and spiritual emergency situations, my commitment is to guide you toward solace, clarity, and empowerment.

I also offer intuitive guidance for businesses seeking alignment with their highest purpose and potential. By tapping into intuitive insights, I help businesses make strategic decisions that lead to greater success and fulfillment.

As we navigate through times of increasing chaos and emotional pain, being in alignment with your true essence is crucial. Despite the challenges, those who prepare themselves mentally and emotionally stand to reap significant dividends.

I've been providing guidance and foresight to my inner circle since 2015, accurately predicting events like the pandemic and the emergence of artificial intelligence in 2023. Those who followed my advice were mentally, financially, emotionally, and physically prepared when the world faced unprecedented shutdowns.

I want the same level of readiness for you. My expertise extends beyond intuitive advice; it's about delivering tangible results that empower you to navigate life's challenges with resilience and confidence, both personally and professionally.


struggling for over 20 years with depression. After years of having a team of professionals around you and becoming addicted to painkillers and antidepressants, one day, you find someone who sees beyond the illusion you present. A different kind of healer who finds and detaches the dark thick sludge of life that has drowned you day by day. Now imagine you begin to taper off pills after the second session (with professional guidance and me working with your team) and by the end of two months, you’ve increased mental clarity and perception. You feel emotionally stable. There are no more pills. You feel like you. You truly begin living your life.


stressing for over four years because your nine-year-old child was bullied at school. The school nor the other parent was helping. You felt helpless as each teacher conference, school conference, and conversation stalled. Not only that, you saw your child sinking into a deeper emotional hole where they didn’t open up to any of the therapists you hired or to you. Stress crept in, alongside feeling as if you couldn’t help the one person you loved more than anything. Picture aligning with a healer who was able to not only talk to your child but teach them about self-confidence. Never mentioning anything like energy, or shamanism, just the basics of life. After a mere six sessions, your child begins to stand up for themselves. Learning how to say no gracefully, so much so, a year later, the bully is now a trusted friend and doesn’t bully anyone else. Instead, your child has become a leader and the bully has become a helper. And you have let go of the compounded stress to not worry and be free.


holding it together for your family. Not only being the rock for your children and partner, but also your immediate family. You were never taught how to hold space for yourself. But even if you did, you’d be shamed or labeled selfish. So you continue being the rock, holding in all your suppressed emotions until one day you explode. The anger bucket within you overflowing at the tiniest infraction of life and then feeling guilty that you behaved that way, especially to your children. You’ve never sought therapy because no one in your immigrant family believed in it. Consider you made the decision to do better not only for your children, but your partner and your family so you seek someone to help. In comes a different type of healer, one who understands toxic collective cultures and is also a generational catalyst who has helped numerous families shift entire lineages. She guides you to upheave 35 years of anger in three sessions to clear the slate. Not your mother’s anger, nor your father’s, now you can feel/sense the difference between you and them. You begin to live your life according to your terms, not anyone else’s.


watching your child helplessly in terror night after night. Waking up to screams and sweat as they toss and turn, unsure of what to do, what was happening, and how to help them. The lack of sleep wears on you, your partner, and your child, in your daily lives and now mixes in with your work. You can’t think with a clear mind, as the lack of sleep alongside stress has taken a toll. Suppose for a moment how lovely it would feel if an experienced expert comes in and waves her magic wand through the air from across the world. You’re not sure what she did, but you know something changed as your child’s night terrors taper off. You both begin sleeping more. More rest. More balance. More alertness. More productivity. Eventually, you both begin sleeping soundly and forget about the nightmares which were.


having sessions with a seasoned professional who moves seamlessly through the natural and supernatural world. A woman who is not only grounded in this Earth but also an expert in maneuvering beyond the illusion to efficiently and effectively get you back on your feet, back in this reality, and back to remembering who you are and why you chose to be born. Picture the lengths this woman has gone through to make sure she never succumbed to the darkness as she fought to retrieve lost soul parts for you or someone you love. Focusing now on the present moment and back to this reality, everything Shaman Dao has learned is available to help you or someone you know so you or they can begin living the divinely aligned life they were meant to always live.

Shaman Dao is highly gifted in deep diving to the root cause of main issues to unlock immediate solutions through all dimensions. Driven by her impact and results-driven philosophy, Dao’s trauma-focused six-year independent studies allow her to efficiently and effectively attain never before achieved results through the traditional mental health avenues.


  • You’ve done more for me than any healer or psychic has been able to do in the last six years I have been seeking

    Mickey H.

  • I just feel like my senses are dialed in 10 times since we had session. Tough times make tough people but just maybe this is what my soul needed. I look forward to taking on life’s many obstacles with confidence now that I never knew could be this intact.

    Charlie P.

  • Your wisdom and spiritual guidance offered the clarity I sought. You deliver each and every time we speak and stay by my side at all times. After I speak to you, both my heart and mind are centered and my emotional and spiritual questions are answered to where I am at peace and can go in the direction of my dreams. For that, I can’t thank you enough!

    Laura L.

  • I was depressed, I had so much grief. I had lost all of my self confidence and self esteem. I was sleeping terribly as well, due to the fact I couldn’t get my mind off all of my problems, but after our sessions I am doing amazing! My business has picked up, I am attracting amazing people, I feel like I am exuding such positive energy that everyone around me can feel it!! All of my friends feel like they have the person that they knew and loved is so wonderful, I walk around smiling and feel very blessed.

    Deb B.

Healing Your Mothers’ Wounds

This package was inspired by Healing My Mother’s Wounds docu-series. This is a 20 pack healing session for your mother or father (grandparents), who held the wounds of your family lineage for centuries. Sessions will be spaced over a timeframe suitable and according to the health of your elder(s).

In person treatment available. Additional costs of travel and overnight accomodations not included.
Only two slots available each year. Open enrollment in January 2024.

Read the full article of Healing My Mother’s Wounds here

“My Mom was sicker than normal in March of this year (2022). As her soul wavered in and out of her body, I had a come to Jesus meeting with my Mom to make a choice. Did she want to strive to fight for her life or give up and transition over? After 68 years of compounded complex trauma that crippled her, I dove into the ethers to retrieve every single one of her trauma-induced soul fragments to put her back together again, just like Humpty Dumpty if he was a small Vietnamese child.
It took me over twelve years of subconscious spoonfuls of healing modalities masked as fun exercises to grant me permission to heal her. In doing so, her eyes saw the trees brighter after two sessions. The food she cooked flourished with more love, as the love within her soul brightened. When she ate, she laughed as food became her enjoyment, not an escape she longed for...”

Sliding scale rates are available
As of 05/2023, all sliding scale slots are booked. Please contact to be added to the list if interested.

Shaman Dao makes no warranties or representations that the information contained in the website is in every respect accurate or complete, and is not responsible for any errors or omissions or the results obtained from the use of such. The information available on the website is not intended as a substitute for or to be used in place of medical advice. You are encouraged to confirm the information contained herewith from other sources. Always consult your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for medical advice and treatment.

The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is not a substitute for a medical exam, nor does it replace the need for services provided by a medical professional. Always seek the advice of your medical professional before making any changes to your treatment. Any medical questions should be directed to your doctor.


  • Dao is focused solely on achieving results after she has determined she can get you there. Using any or all of the modalities below, she works with you until the results are achieved.

    -Interdimensional Journeyer, Psychic Medium, Remote Viewer, Master Hypnotherapist of 5-PATH, Master of Releasement, Exorcist, Specialist in Past Life Regression and Readings, Specialist in Soul Retrieval, Higher Consciousness Channeler, Faradarmani Practitioner, Clairvoyant, Claircognizant, Clairaudient, Clairsentient, Clairgustant, Clairempathetic, Specialist in Chakra Balancing, Teacher of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

  • If you are not satisfied with the results obtained from working together within the first month, Dao offers an astral money-back guarantee. She will refund you 100% and all the work done together in the astral will revert back to the time and space before we began sessions; including all emotions, feelings and most of the healing. Time and space does not exist where she works.

    Dao will only offer to work with you if she is confident you will benefit from your time together and she can achieve the results needed.

    Refund requests are only honored within the first 30 days of working together.

  • Dao was born with the innate ability to ‘remote view.’ Shamans do not refer to it as such, as it a natural way of living. Dao does not need your home address or location, or the layout, (she will already know) when she astral travels to your home to do the cleansings. She will cleanse your space of any spirits or demons and poltergeist and place a golden mesh of protection around and under your home after she is done. Additional instructions will be given to the client after the cleansing is completed.

    She is the person you call when the priest, shaman and/or brahman has fallen short.

  • We are each here in this life to learn our lessons. In order for us to grow, we need those around us to nurture us to become the best version. Dao knows that sometimes the alignment of certain shamans, healers, hypnotherapists and therapists alike is for the benefit of the client, not the other way around. When you first contact her through email and if you have the opportunity to speak to her, she will already know if she is the healer for you. If not, she is more than happy to refer you out to her network of healers.

  • We are a source of energy for all the spirits who inhabit our world. There are many spirits who attach to us out of love and caring, but in reality; their thoughts enhance our thoughts, their feelings and emotions enhance our feelings and emotions and our energy becomes their energy. If they are found, it means they have not crossed over yet. Releasing them will allow them to cross over, which will help both the human and spirit feel more at peace. Don't worry, they will always be watching over you from above.

  • By bypassing your conscious mind to access the subconscious, hypnosis allows us to stimulate natural healing from within. Our subconscious holds all of our thoughts, feelings, memories, pictures, beliefs and limited beliefs. In accessing our subconscious mind, we are able to redirect our behaviors and beliefs that have been programmed when we were younger. The benefit of hypnosis has always been the awareness and allowance of new and wonderful compounded statements to be added in, for what is already there cannot be removed, we can only add. You have unlimited space in your subconscious, the worst has already happened, for you wouldn't be here. Have faith and trust that you are in good hands.

    Hypnosis has been sanctioned and used by the medical community since 1958 to help patients overcome chronic pain, create anesthesia and heal psychogenic illnesses.

    Dao has been training herself through meditation and self discovery for years. It was only natural for her to embrace all of her innate abilities, immediately following her success in the banking world. A world dominated by men, where she learned to put her head down and work. The same work ethic has been applied in her spiritual path. She can easily close her eyes and astral travel to one's home, office and place at any given time. Remote hypnosis sessions and private one on one's are connected by video chat. Therefore, even though her physical body is across the world, her soul is always right next to you.

  • Astral travel is classically known as an 'out of body' experience. For we are not a body, we are a soul. A soul which entered this body at birth. A soul which leaves once the body expires. One can project their soul from their body, or travel, at any given time, with understanding and guidance. One must not leave their body unattended for too long, as there are many other spirits waiting around to attach.

  • Sessions are held over Skype or Zoom.

  • Absolutely. Up to 10 month payment plans are available.

  • Your confidentiality is our obligation. Client records and transactions with Shaman Dao are confidential, and may only be viewed by the Dao Healing staff, unless release of these records is authorized in writing by the client, or otherwise provided by law.