How To Hone Your Intuition

Originally posted on Aug 14, 2019 on

By a Claircognizant

“How did you know that, Carol?” I would be asked over the years.

“I don’t know, I just know it,” I would reply and shrug my shoulders and leave it as is, “It’s an ability of mine, my strongest one, my claircognizance.”

Claircognizance: The psychic ability of clear knowing.

Yet over the course of the last six months, I’ve been able to clarify and explain a ‘how to’ of some sorts to my clients instead of the usual, ‘I just know how?”

Every single one of us on this planet has a psychic ability, let it be your intuition, a knowing or a vision. Each of us can open and hone our individual abilities as much as we please. It’s similar to a muscle, the more you work it out, the more definition it will have.

I, myself, have always had these extrasensory abilities my entire life but I gave into fear which prolonged my dream state. Once I decided I had enough, I sought out my own hypnotherapist to help me find the root of my fear and to help me neutralize it so that I could finally awaken to my true self.

Once I was awake, I became aware. Which leads us to step 1.

Step 1: Becoming Aware Of Yourself and Your Surroundings

Becoming aware allows us to become conscious of our actions and our surroundings. You start noticing your habits which add or harm your life. You start noticing the people you surround yourself with and question if they are aligned with your soul’s purpose. You ask yourself what is your soul’s purpose? The most beautiful thing is that you start asking questions instead of conforming to what your family, society or conditions made you.

Step 2: Discernment

As you start learning and tapping into your intuition and empathic abilities, discerning feelings and emotions is crucial in separating self from others. I had to ask myself if the emotions of sadness or excitement before a client session was actually me or was it my client? I would sit in half lotus position or in my office chair and close my eyes to quietly ask myself this question. The more times I asked this question, the better I got at discerning if it was me or someone else. If it was another person, I would send them a blessing and thank my guides and angels for this ability. Then I would move on.

Step 3: Practice Your Intuition

Once you are aware of your intuitive abilities and are discerning if feelings and emotions are yours or another person’s or entity, now is a good time to start practicing your knowing’s. Some of us will know things without physical proof, and this is where you start practicing with your friends and families. If someone tells you that they will be going on a trip next month, but you know in your gut that they will not be going, make a mental note. No need to say anything, just make a mental note.

Step 4: Reflecting On The Significance Of A Situation

When I lived in Italy, a lot of my friends would ask me, “Che Significa? What does that mean?I loved that question because it allowed me to reflect on every aspect of my life. I started to write down the significance of my meetings, my trips, my thoughts, my wants and desires. What was the purpose of meeting so and so? Why did I take this trip? What did I learn from this conversation? What did I take away from it? I began to reflect in ways that allowed me to go underneath the surface.

Step 5: Going Inward : Meditation

It’s so easy to take things on a surface level, but as each one of us dives deeper into our understanding of self and our intuitive abilities, going inward is necessary. To hone your intuition is about trusting and believing in yourself. You may be one of the fortunate ones whom have had someone or many people believing in you from day one. Unfortunately, many do not. Meditation allows us to go inward to quiet our minds from all the unnecessary chatter that may surround our doubts. It allows us to listen to our hearts and confirm who we are and what we are made of, love. It is in the silence that the truth prevails.

Step 6: Stamp Self Belief

Remember in Step 3 when you made that mental note of that person who said they’ll be going on a trip next month? When the next month rolls around and they did not take that trip, using that beautiful magical brain of yours, imagine you have a make believe card you can stamp a self belief check, to validate your intuition and belief in self.

Blessed be.


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