“Your writing is profound; and I know you will be making important contributions in your future journeys.”

— Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD from New Thinking Allowed

Shaman Dao Shaman Dao

From Lingering to Liberation: Finding the Way Out of Codependency

This enlightening article sheds light on the subtle yet profound ways individuals find themselves lingering in unhealthy dynamics, trapped by the need for approval and fear of abandonment. Through personal anecdotes, expert insights, and practical steps, the piece offers a beacon of hope for those feeling lost in the maze of emotional reliance. It's not just about identifying the patterns of codependency but about charting a path forward, armed with the tools and understanding necessary to embrace self-worth, set boundaries, and cultivate healthier relationships.

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Shaman Dao Shaman Dao

5 Reasons Why Spirit Releasement Therapy is Needed in the Recovery Treatment

Step into the world of Spirit Releasement Therapy, where realms of the unseen intersect with human consciousness. In 2015, whispers of expertise stirred waves of skepticism among childhood friends, casting shadows of doubt. Yet, over six years, this journey has transcended borders, delving into the depths of souls across continents. From laughter to tears, from disbelief to validation, each step paved the path of mastery and enlightenment. Now, armed with knowledge and experience, the time has come to unveil the truth. What is Spirit Releasement Therapy? It's a beacon of light guiding lost souls to liberation, offering solace amidst the chaos. As the world awakens to its spiritual essence, the call for healing resonates louder than ever. Spirit Releasement Therapy emerges as a cornerstone in the journey of holistic well-being, bridging the gap between the physical and the metaphysical. Join the revolution, where souls find their voice and liberation knows no bounds.

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Shaman Dao Shaman Dao

Are Mirrors and Windows Portals to Other Dimensions?

Learn about the potential for mirrors, windows, and television screens to act as portals to other dimensions, inviting both benevolent and malevolent entities into our lives. Discover firsthand accounts of remote energy cleansings and protection against dark forces, offering insight into the unseen forces at play in our everyday lives.

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