The Intuitives Bat Call

Originally posted on Jan 5, 2020 on

As our world burns

There is an invisible call heard by the sensitives, intuitives, empaths, and the like more than ever now. There are many of us who can feel it, sense it, hear it and even touch it. Each one of us are our own Batman, looking up at the sky at for our bat call.

I’ve watched the transitional state of spirituality become a fad over these years, much like yoga. I have seen psychics without the psychic ability rise up. There are certificate shamans offering sessions on life experience. Experience that came from attending a five day workshop. Many people are proud to call themselves vegan as they continue to purchase leather goods.

It’s been interesting to have sat in the background and observed all of this from a helicopter view as I did my own self development. We are four days into 2020 and I wanted to share a breakdown of three groups of the awakened ones in our world because Mother Earth needs our help.

As an empath, intuitive, sensitive, psychic medium, with every single clair ability and many other modalities, I can feel the pain of Mother Earth along with the movement of a piece of sand by the ocean. It’s been a lot to take in, but if I can do it, so can you.

Spiritual boundaries play a necessity in the awakening process. If you are unfamiliar with what spiritual boundaries or personal boundaries are, please begin with learning and putting into practice personal boundaries first.


Sleepwalkers are your friends, family, colleagues, maybe even some of you living in this world of want and desire of fame, material fortune and money. This would be considered clout for many millenials.


You have woken up from the dream state. You are aware that we are all one, we are all in this together. You have taken action, however big or small to become the change you want to see in this world. Your choices you make now not only affect your life, but also the environment.


We are the ascended and the ascending. We are the ones who have worked tirelessly in our journeys to develop self. We have felt the call and need to help ever since we can remember. We have faced our own fears and shadow sides. We are the ones who will help lead the two groups above as our world continues to crack open.

May the sleepwalkers awaken. May the awaken rise. May the ascended lead.

I have lived in different parts of our world and experienced the same type of weather pattern in Europe versus America versus South America. A drastic change of temperature in one day has become a common occurrence in so many countries around our world.

The temperatures around our world are rising and breaking records. We have lost millions of acres due to fires and have watched and are watching our animals on the planet burn to death.

Eighty eight percent of our ocean’s surface is polluted and the ocean covers over seventy percent of our Earth. We’ve only explored five percent.

It’s devastating.

Have you ever seen the Netflix show, The Good Place? For those of you who haven’t, this will be a spoiler alert. The show follows a woman who wakes up in the afterlife after she dies called The Good Place. A reward for the ethical life she led on Earth.

But The Good Place was an experiment and front for the underworld, The Bad Place, run by demons in human suits. The main character becomes aware and ‘wakes’ up to the truth around her.

Sound familiar?

Mother Earth needs our help. Pray and meditate for rain for Australia as our world burns because of human greed. We watched it with the Amazon Rainforest and we are watching it again in Australia.

May God bless every single one of you on your journey.

Blessed be.


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