Beyond The White Picket Fence: A Journey of Healing and Hope 

Photo by Brad Switzer on Unsplash

Can you have it all after being subjected to pain, hell, and self-imprisonment at the hands of unaware and emotionally abusive parents?

Yes, yes you can and I’m living proof.

She woke up with the gentle fire still crackling from the evening before. A crackling which lulled her into a deep sleep where she laid her soul to rest. There were no astral meetings nor saving, as this type of rest saved her.

For the first time in a long, long time, she slept peacefully. Even though her perception of ‘long’ extended from a week to two weeks. But a week or two without peaceful sleep to her was ungodly.

As she walked past her moving boxes and suitcases, her eyes caught the three-foot white picket fence that leaned against the wall. A sign of peace and the promise of a new beginning.

It was not one of her psychic visions but a reality she lived in. When she was a little girl, she dreamed of having a home with a white picket fence. A dream she ran to because her five-year-old reality was one which she escaped from.

She clawed her way to a life where peaceful sleep became her everyday occurrence. After the clawing, came the crawling, to the baby steps, to the walking, and now, to the running.

The Journey from Darkness to Light

The concept of the white picket fence represents more than an idyllic life; it embodies the essence of personal peace, security, and the fulfillment of one’s dreams. For many, achieving this dream feels as though it is constantly out of grasp, layered by the shadows of past pains and the residual of a life once lived in turmoil. To move from a place of pain, through hell, and out of self-imprisonment, underscores the profound strength required to reclaim one’s life from the clutches of emotional turmoil.

My journey, like many others, is akin to a phoenix rising from the ashes. It is about transformation from the darkest depths of despair. I had no other choice but to believe in the possibility of renewal and rebirth. The white picket fence signified a symbol of hope, a testament to the power of dreams, and a reminder that it is possible to transcend the scars of our past to build a future that resonates with our deepest aspirations.

The Process of Healing and Growth

Healing is neither linear nor predictable; it is a mosaic of moments, both painful and beautiful, that together weave the tapestry of a new life. When I tell you I clawed to crawl my way out of the darkness, this is what a healing journey embodies. It was a constant struggle to figure out if the ‘right’ way was the way. When the ‘left’ way looked eerily similar to the ‘right’.

I had to remind myself that every step forward was a victory in the battle against the remnants of my past traumas. That is why having peaceful sleep, once a rarity, became a cherished achievement for me. I had to fight for peace and serenity in a world that once seemed devoid of hope.

My students hear me reiterate this time and time, “Whichever way you’re going, keep going. Even if it’s the ‘wrong’ way, you’re going to learn some lessons. And if it’s the ‘right’ way, you’re going to learn some lessons. Either way, you learn. So keep going because movement in any direction is progress.” Despite the depth of our struggles, there is always a path forward — a path that leads to healing, self-discovery, and ultimately, the realization of our dreams.

My pursuit of the white picket fence was not solely an individual endeavor but a collective journey shared with others who carried their own burdens and dreams. Even when I clawed my way through, I carried others on my back who needed help so that we could all feel the glimmer of hope for the last ten years.

Strength is relative, but I can tell you this without a shadow of a doubt, I can crawl back into that hole to help assist others if I want to. By extending a hand to those in need, I not only solidified my path to personal excellence but also lit the way for others to follow. This could have also been part of the past residual of codependency coupled with people-pleasing, smeared with compassion and empathy. Either way, it was a path I took where I learned some very hard lessons.

Our true excellence lies in our capacity to overcome adversity, transform our experiences into sources of strength, and pursue our dreams with unwavering conviction.

Embracing Your Unique Path to Excellence

I write this story of the white picket fence as an invitation to embrace your journey towards personal excellence, defined not by societal standards but by our values, dreams, and experiences. I’d love to encourage you to confront your fears, step out of the shadows of your past, and chart your own course toward a life filled with purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

You get to have the white picket fence if you really desire it. Your picket fence is different from mine, but for some of us, we have to fight and claw our way from the depths of darkness to have that glimmer of hope.

In this pursuit, we are reminded that excellence is not a destination but a journey — one marked by growth, self-discovery, and the relentless pursuit of our passions. It is about finding beauty in the struggle, hope in the face of despair, and the courage to dream of a white picket fence, whatever that may represent for each of us.

Consciously or unconsciously, I chose to move within the darkest of spaces with grace knowing full well that God’s power flows through my veins. Entities, energies, dark force beings, and the stuff nightmares are made from moving through my veins to become the light. This is what a clear, clean, and concise filter looks like.

As we forge ahead, let us carry the lessons of resilience, compassion, and determination with us, drawing strength from the knowledge that no matter the depths of our past struggles, the possibility of a brighter future lies within our grasp. Let us step boldly into the light, armed with the belief that we, too, can achieve our version of the white picket fence and, in doing so, inspire others to embark on their own journey toward personal excellence.

One of my students sent me an email this morning, expressing the following: “Last year you really challenged me. In my depths, I did find an inner child that has been hurt for a long time. At that moment I surrendered and asked God for help. She spoke and all she wanted was a hug. The amount of pain I felt trembled through my voice from her perspective to ask for something so simple, something I was deprived of when I was a child, hurt but also healed at the same time. I really dropped into God so much that I didn’t realize how much I shifted until this year. To be held in deep love and gratitude while doing 7th Path has been a night and day feeling from last year. It was the fear that ran through my veins when I heard “GOD”. My body would have some type of negative reaction to the word. Now it’s just love, I feel it, I am it. I grieved my old life and welcomed in the new one I am creating with God. It was a lot to process and integrate. Yet, none of this would have been possible without 7th Path and you. Thank you for being my teacher and such a bright light in my life. Your actions inspire me to show up fully for myself and the world!”

Now it’s your turn to glow like a lightbulb.


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