The Power of Magic

Originally posted on Jul 26, 2019 on

Magic: The power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.

“How do you do what you do, Carol?” I’ve always been asked.

“Magic,” I would always respond with a wink. The responses would vary between laughter and a hug or a serious, is she joking? There’s no between.

We all have this infinite knowledge within us, a well of wisdom that is unlimited and most of us look for this wisdom outside of ourselves. I’m going to let you in on a little secret, we all have the ability to transverse realms and dimensions, we can do anything we want to do. We have to figure out what we want to do with ourselves, we have to believe.

You see, this well of wisdom holds our true paths and the reasons of our existence.

“The two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.” — Mark Twain

I always knew in my heart and soul that I wanted to ‘help’ people, I didn’t know how or what I was to do. I kept trying this avenue or that avenue; volunteering at homeless and women’s shelters, organizing and helping fundraisers and running around picking up items of clothing for hurricane and fire victims. All my gestures and actions were with good intention and heart, but imagine if I was able to tap into my infinite source of love and wisdom and funneled it to one cause or one strength instead of these one or two times for different charities?

The more I pushed, the more friction I created, expending more energy than I needed to. My head hurt from all the merry go rounds I went into telling myself that whatever I was doing wasn’t it.

I started to make myself mentally, emotionally and physically sick by focusing on what I didn’t have or what I wasn’t doing, that I forgot to notice all the other good stuff around me, including myself and all the magic that surrounds us at any given time.

When we become aware of our surroundings by first becoming aware of ourselves, the most magical thing happens; our perceptions shift.

Shift: When we start liking the things we used to dislike and when we dislike the things we used to like.

Life is what you make it and it is magical, you have to believe that it is. I had to believe that there was good in the invisible world the moment I met Fernando some years back, a man who masked himself as white magic, but underneath his facade, he was all black magic.

I had to believe that the heavens and angels had my back when Fernando’s soul would show up periodically in my home, some three hundred miles away from his hometown. Where I would be sitting in my living room and out of the corner of my eye, witness a slight movement by a door in my home and as I would turn my head, his image would be standing there, staring at me.

I had to believe that I was able to overcome these moments with my own powers. The powers that so many of my family and friends saw in me.

I had to believe in me.

It took me years and many experiences during my awakening which had me on the ground in fetal position, questioning myself and what was happening. I would cry myself to sleep and wake up on the floor of my home, a curved out corner that was all too familiar.

Get up, Carol, I would hear.

Have faith, we are here, they would say.

I would feel arms around me as I would organize myself to get up. You’re not alone, we are all here, I would hear every single time.

We turned out to be my guides and angels. They were always there, I had never been alone.

Yet, I had to believe that I could do this, not anyone else, but me. I had to believe that all the powers I had were because of not only God and the heavens above and Source energy, but me.

I am God.

I am Source energy.

I am the Universe.

We are all God, we are all Source energy and the Universe. I just forgot who I was I walked this path we call life. Inside of each one of us is the God spark we look outside of ourselves for, but my darling, you are it. You have and are everything you seek, you are magic.

“How do you do what you do, Carol?” I’ve always been asked.


“But how?”

“Because I am magic.”

Blessed be.


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